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Maya Rendering issues!!!

The problem Heather has been experiencing while rendering has been posted here, it's not a freak error as many people have experienced the problem. I am using the temporary space (T drive) and am experiencing NO PROBLEMS batch rendering in Metal ray on multiple machines to the temp space (using my own login as well), so I do not think it's a problem with rendering to the temp space. Perhaps someone can understand something or find a solution from these posts.

*copy and paste links*


  1. So Tom - just to be very clear: you are batch rendering on multiple machines saving to the T Drive and experiencing no stops/slowness etc.?

  2. No problems. Base Room 2, three machines, my login, temp space, mental ray, batch render, tiff file format. Everything is the same as Heathers.

  3. Okay - thanks for the clarification; it might be something in the set-up of Heather's scene; Alan will investigate tomorrow.


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