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Researcher Needs Your Input!

As some of you may remember, Tony Reeves, a Learning Technologist at UCA (he of the soothing voice on the Turnitin Video tutorials!), is looking at CG Arts and its use of blogs as a research subject.  Tony's interest is in 'communities of practice' - the way in which like-minded people work and support each other in specific disciplines and subject areas.  

Tony wants more of your views on blog use on CGAA - and if you visit his latest blog post  - you'll see he's asked you a new question and if you could leave your response in the form of a comment, Tony would welcome your views.  For an idea of how it worked last time, see the original Q & A here.

Tony will be asking more questions of you in coming days, so look out for the prompts via the group blog.  I know Tony is looking forward to hearing from you.  He'll be keen to hear from our new first years, most of whom are new to this blogging lark, but old hands and alumni are encouraged to participate too.

Thanks in advance - and watch this space for updates.
