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FAO CAA Yr 3: New Designers Meeting / Monday 23rd May @ 10am / Baseroom

I've had a few enquiries from hard-at-it third years in regards to a 'good week' post-hand-in to take a well-earned rest before revving up once more for the creative marathon known as 'New Designers 2016'.  What you do after the 9th is up to you, but there will be a New Designers meeting on Monday 23rd May at 10am in the CAA Baseroom, which will the next time post-hand-in I'll want to see you all together again - refreshed and ready to get stuck into phase 2!

Another question I've been asked is 'How much money do I need to put by for my ND16 contribution?'  The answer none of you have been looking forward to is £155...

I'll be setting up a payment slot at the UCA Online Store, which is where you can pay your £155.  I'll announce when the Store is open for business here on the group blog in the next few days. The deadline for making this payment will be Friday, June 3rd.
