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FAO CAA Year 2: Update to your timetable

Friday 23rd March: 'Toolkit 2' Progress Report

Please note, your current timetable reads 'Premise' Progress Report on Friday afternoon, however this should read 'Toolkit 2' Progress Report. This is an online update of your progress for Toolkit 2 containing links to all of your progress so far from the beginning of your year 2. Including links too...

Drawing: Life Drawing, Character Design, Mudbox, and Sculpting.

Maya: Pipeline 1: Character Setup (all tutorials) and Lighting & Rendering 2: Arnold (all tutorials).

Animation: 3D Body Animation (poses/weight lifting task etc), Infographics (title credits), Acting, and 3D facial animation. 

Please be as detailed as possible including detailing any outstanding work. This will help you when you arrive at the final submission at the end of the year.
